Chapter 14
DHCP Server for Automatic IP Addresses

 14.1 Prerequisites
  14.1.1 Assumed Knowledge
  14.1.2 Linux and Network Setup
 14.2 Automatic IP Address Configuration
 14.3 Installing a DHCP Server
  14.3.1 Install ISC DHCP Server
  14.3.2 Configure DHCP Server
  14.3.3 Restart the DHCP Server
 14.4 Using a DHCP Client
 14.5 Monitoring a DHCP Server
 14.6 More Resources on DHCP

File: nsl/dhcp.tex, r1670

This chapter shows how to setup a DHCP server to automatically issue IP addresses to clients inside a network.

14.1 Prerequisites

14.1.1 Assumed Knowledge

This chapter assumes you have knowledge of:

Basic Linux command line skills, as covered in Chapter 4, are assumed. You will need to be able to:

14.1.2 Linux and Network Setup

All of the practical tasks in this chapter can be completed on a single Linux computer. Most of the demonstrations use a single Linux computer, specifically node1 in virtnet (Chapter 3). Although virtnet is not required, if you do use it, as only a single computer is necessary, topology 1 is appropriate (or in fact any topology—just use a single node).

14.2 Automatic IP Address Configuration

When an operating system is installed on a computer and the computer first setup (by, for example, the network administrator), the IP address and other relevant network information (such as DNS servers, subnet mask) can be manually entered. In Ubuntu, commands like ifconfig can be used to do this.

But with manual configuration, if any network information changes, the network administrator must then go to each computer to make the changes. For example in a university network with 100’s or even 1000’s of computers, the task of manually configuring each computer if, for example, the DNS server IP address changes, would be enormous!

Therefore, in practice there are ways to automatically configure a computers network information. The most used method is called Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol or DHCP1 . The basic process using DHCP is as follows:

  1. One computer on the network is configured as a DHCP Server. This contains information about the possible IP addresses that can be allocated to other computers, and the DNS servers to be used. Usually, the DHCP Server is a router on the network.
  2. All the hosts in the network are configured to use a DHCP Client. When the computers are first setup by the network administrator, no information about IP address, DNS server is given.
  3. When a host boots, the DHCP Client broadcasts a request for an IP address. In other words the host sends a message to everyone else on the network saying: “I need an IP address (and other information)”.
  4. The DHCP Server is the only computer that responds: the DHCP Server selects an IP address for the host and sends it, including the network DNS server, subnet mask etc. to the host.
  5. The DHCP Client configures its network interface using the information sent to it by the DHCP Server. The host now has an IP address.

The information assigned to the host by the DHCP Server has a lifetime. This is called a lease—for example, the host “leases” an IP address for 1 day. Before the lease expires, the DHCP Client will typically renew the lease. In this way, if a change of configuration information (such as DNS server) is needed, the network adminsitrator simply modifies the DHCP Server—the DHCP Clients in each host will retrieve the updated information from the DHCP Server.

Many computers now use DHCP to obtain an IP address, so the computer user does not need to worry about configuring their own IP address. For example, when you connect to a university network with your laptop, typically you do not configure an IP address—DHCP is used.

14.3 Installing a DHCP Server

If you are only interested in learning about DHCP, then you may not need to install a server, since there is probably one already in your subnet. You may skip this section and see how to use a DHCP client in Section 14.4, or monitor and existing server in Section 14.5. If you do need to install a DHCP server, then read on.

14.3.1 Install ISC DHCP Server

First identify which computer to install the DHCP server on. Often it is a router in a subnet, although it may be a host. On that computer, install the ISC DHCP server:

network@server:~$ sudo apt install isc-dhcp-server

14.3.2 Configure DHCP Server

An important part of configuring a DHCP server is telling it which network interface to use. For example, if the server is running on a computer with two network interfaces (e.g. a router), then normally the DHCP server will allocate IP addresses via one interface to computers on an internal network, but not the other interface connected to an external network.

For this demonstration, let’s assume the internal interface is eth2 and the external interface is eth1. We need to setup the DHCP server to allocate addresses via eth2. This is done by editing the file /etc/default/isc-dhcp-server with your favourite text editor (ensure you use sudo). Once the file is open, edit the line specifying INTERFACES, ensuring the internal interface is listed:


Now we need to specify the range of IP addresses to allocate to hosts on the internal subnet. This is done in the configuration file /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf. Read through the comments in the file and change values as desired. Below we will present an example file, with comments removed for brevity, in three parts:

  1. Global/default settings
  2. Allocating IP addresses in a range to the subnet
  3. Allocating specific IP addresses to specific hosts

The global/default settings are below. As we do not have DNS servers, you may remove the domain-name-servers option. The parts changed are in bold.

ddns-update-style none;
option domain-name "";
#option domain-name-servers,;
default-lease-time 600;
max-lease-time 7200;
log-facility local7;

The next part is to allocate IP addresses to all hosts in a subnet. This example allocates addresses from the range to to hosts in the subnet.

subnet netmask {
         option domain-name "";
         option subnet-mask;
         option routers;
         option broadcast-address;
         default-lease-time 600;
         max-lease-time 7200;

Although the above settings are sufficient, in some cases we would like to allocate a specific address to a specific computer. For example, normal hosts can receive any IP from the range 100-200, but a server should get a fixed address. One method to achieve this is to give specify mappings based on MAC addresses. The following allocates to a server with MAC address 08:00:27:d6:04:07. The name web-server is just for information, while the hardware Ethernet address must be obtained from the server, e.g. using ifconfig.

group {
         option routers;
         option broadcast-address;

         host web-server {
                   hardware ethernet 08:00:27:d6:04:07;

You can add more host declarations as needed. The above example illustrates the main parts of the DHCP server configuration. You may change the example to optimise for your network. For example, it is not necessary to include the default-least-time in the subnet declaration if it is the same as the global declaration. For more explanation of the syntax and options in dhcpd.conf, see the man page:

network@server:~$ man dhcpd.conf

14.3.3 Restart the DHCP Server

To apply the configuration changes you need to restart the DHCP server. However it is a good idea to check the configuration file for errors first. A syntax check can be performed as:

network@server:~$ dhcpd -t

If there are any syntax errors (e.g. missing semi-colons) then this will report them, including the line number.

Once the configuration file is correct, restart the DHCP server:

network@server:~$ sudo systemctl restart isc-dhcp-server

Then check the status—it should be active (running):

network@server:~$ sudo systemctl status isc-dhcp-server

14.4 Using a DHCP Client

To get your computer to obtain IP addresses from a DHCP server when it boots, you need to edit the /etc/network/interfaces file. Section 9.11.4 gives an example of editing this file. We need to make sure the interface uses DHCP, rather being static. The general format for specifying an interface to use DHCP is

iface INTERFACE inet dhcp

For example, if your computer has interface eth1:

auto eth1
iface eth1 inet dhcp

The next time the machine boots, it will use the DHCP client to get an IP address from the DHCP server (rather than statically assign an address). However if you don’t want to perform a reboot then you can trigger the DHCP client software to run manually using the command dhclient. First release any existing DHCP leases and then request a new one:

network@node:~$ sudo dhclient -r eth1
network@node:~$ sudo dhclient eth1

Make sure you specify the correct interface for your computer.

Now use ifconfig to view the new IP address.

14.5 Monitoring a DHCP Server

By default, the DHCP server logs output into the system log /var/log/syslog. You can view the DHCP messages with:

network@server:~$ grep "DHCP" /var/log/syslog

DHCP leases are stored in text files. They contain information about the lease duration and owner and are stored in /var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd.leases.

14.6 More Resources on DHCP

The man pages provide useful information about file formats, e.g. 

man dhcpd
man dhcpd.conf
man interfaces
man dhclient
man dhcpd.leases

Many websites provide examples and explanations. Some are from Ubuntu, OSTechNix, HowToForge, and TechMint.