Appendix D
Versions of this Book
This book is work-in-progress. It is expected errors will be fixed, improvements made and new
content added on a regular basis. The intention is that:
- A new major version will be released (if necessary) at the start of each teaching term.
That is currently March (03), July (07) and November (11). If no significant updates
are made between teaching terms, then a new major version may be skipped. The
major versions will be named by year and month, e.g. 19.03, 19.07, 19.11, 20.03.
- Minor versions will be released to fix bugs, typos and formatting issues. They may
contain new content (e.g. new chapter or new section), so long as the existing
chapters and sections are not re-numbered (e.g. new chapters will be added at the
end of the book). Apart from this, they will not contain significant changes to the
content. The minor versions will be identified by the SVN revision number on the
first page of the book.
Summary of changes between versions are listed below.
NSL 19.03
r1671, 1 March 2019: First public release of the book.