#!/bin/bash # Apply a command to a subset of a the nodes in a topology # Initial parameter values topology="" src="" dst="" nodes="none" vmusername="root" portbase=2200 virtnethostpath="`dirname $BASH_SOURCE`/../../" idfile="`dirname $BASH_SOURCE`/../../data/defaults/root/.ssh/id_rsa" donotprompt=0 function usage { echo "Usage: vn-applycmd CMD [OPTION]..." echo "Apply CMD to one or more virtnet nodes." echo " " echo "Built-in commands are:" echo " cat cat the file given by --dst on the node(s)" echo " poweroff shutdown the node(s)" echo " upload scp file --src on host to --dst on node(s)" echo " test test the node list, echoing test on the host" echo "You may add additional commands (edit this script)." echo " " echo "Options can be given in long form (--option) or short form (-o). Some options" echo "have a parameter, which is always space separated from the option." echo " -n, --nodes NODELIST list of nodes" echo " -t, --topology NUM topology number" echo " -s, --src FILE source file for scp" echo " -d, --dst FILE dest. file for scp" echo " -y, --yes do not prompt for confirmation" echo " -h, -?, --help display this help" echo " " echo " FILE is a filename with path" echo " NUM is a topology number" echo " NODELIST is a node number, list of node numbers or one of:" echo " all all nodes in the topology" echo " host hosts in the topology (requires nodelist file)" echo " left left hosts in the topology (requires nodelist file)" echo " right right hosts in the topology (requires nodelist file)" echo " router routers in the topology (requires nodelist file)" echo " Using any of the keywords for NODELIST requires --topology NUM option" echo " to be used. Those that require a nodelist file, also require a file" echo " nodelist-topology-NUM to exist and specify node types in the " echo " interfaces directory." echo " " echo "Examples" echo " " echo "1. Test that the NODELIST gives the nodes you expect:" echo " vn-applycmd test --nodes \"1 2 3\"" echo " This should apply the test on node1, node2 and node3." echo " " echo "2. Poweroff all nodes in topology 5:" echo " vn-applycmd poweroff --nodes all --topology 5" echo " " echo "3. Copy a file ./hostname to /etc/hostname on routers in topology 100:" echo " vn-applycmd upload --src ./hostname --dst /etc/hostname --nodes routers --topology 100" echo " " echo "4. Display contents of file /home/network/out.txt on node 2, without prompting:" echo " vn-applycmd cat --dst /home/network/out.txt --nodes 2 --yes" echo " " } # First option must be the command if [ "$1" = "" ]; then echo "Error. You must issue a command." exit 1; fi cmd=$1 shift # Read input parameters while [ "$1" != "" ]; do case $1 in -s | --src ) shift; src=$1; ;; -d | --dst ) shift; dst=$1; ;; -t | --topology ) shift; topology=$1; ;; -n | --nodes ) shift; nodes=$1; ;; -y | --yes ) donotprompt=1; ;; * ) usage exit 1 esac shift done # If a topology specified, check that the interface files exist topologyfilesexist=0 topologyspecified=0 nodelistexists=0 if [ -n "${topology}" ]; then topologyspecified=1 if [ -e ${virtnethostpath}data/topologies/interfaces-topology-${topology}-node-01 ]; then topologyfilesexist=1 elif [ -e ${virtnethostpath}data/topologies/interfaces-topology-0${topology}-node-01 ]; then topologyfilesexist=1 topology="0${topology}" fi fi # Check if nodelist exists if [ "${topologyfilesexist}" = "1" ]; then if [ -e ${virtnethostpath}data/topologies/nodelist-topology-${topology} ]; then nodelistexists=1 fi fi # Get the list of nodes to apply to if [ "${nodes}" = "none" ]; then nodelist=""; elif [ "${nodes}" = "all" -o "${nodes}" = "host" -o "${nodes}" = "router" -o "${nodes}" = "left" -o "${nodes}" = "right" ]; then if [ "${topologyfilesexist}" != "1" ]; then echo "Error. If you want to apply to a subset of nodes, such as " echo "all, routers or hosts, then you must specify a topology " echo "that exists, e.g. --topology 1" exit 1; else if [ "${nodes}" = "all" ]; then nodelist="" for i in `ls ${virtnethostpath}data/topologies/interfaces-topology-${topology}-node-*`; do nodenum=`basename $i | cut -d "-" -f 5` if [ `echo ${nodenum} | cut -c 1` = "0" ]; then nodenum=`echo ${nodenum} | cut -c 2` fi nodelist="${nodelist} node${nodenum}" done else if [ "${nodelistexists}" != "1" ]; then echo "Error. If you want to apply to a subset of nodes, such as " echo "all, routers or hosts, then you must ensure the nodelist" echo "file exists in the topology directory." exit 1; else if [ "${nodes}" = "host" ]; then pattern="-e left -e right" else pattern=${nodes} fi for nodedetails in `grep ${pattern} ${virtnethostpath}data/topologies/nodelist-topology-${topology}`; do nodelist="${nodelist} node"`echo ${nodedetails} | cut -d "," -f 1` done fi fi fi else nodelist="" for j in ${nodes}; do nodelist="${nodelist} node$j" done fi sshcmd=0 scpcmd=0 localcmd=0 if [ "${cmd}" = "poweroff" ]; then remotecmd="poweroff" sshcmd=1 elif [ "${cmd}" = "upload" ]; then if [ "${src}" = "" ]; then echo "src must be a file that exists on the host computer." exit 1; fi if [ "${dst}" = "" ]; then echo "dst must be a file on the node" exit 1; fi localfile=${src} remotefile=${dst} scpcmd=1 elif [ "${cmd}" = "cat" ]; then if [ "${dst}" = "" ]; then echo "dst must be a file on the node" exit 1; fi remotecmd="cat ${dst}" sshcmd=1 elif [ "${cmd}" = "test" ]; then hostcmd="echo test" localcmd=1 elif [ "${cmd}" = "YOUR_COMMAND_NAME" ]; then # Write your command here remotecmd="ls /home/network" sshcmd=1 else echo "Error. You must use one of the pre-defined commands." echo "You can create your own command by editing this file." exit 1 fi if [ "${donotprompt}" = "0" ]; then echo "About to apply '${cmd}' to the following nodes:" echo ${nodelist} echo "Are you ready to proceed? y/n" read proceed else proceed="y" fi if [ "${proceed}" != "y" ]; then echo "Exiting." exit 1 fi for i in ${nodelist}; do echo "${i}: ${cmd}" nodenum=`echo ${i} | cut -c 5-` port=$(( ${portbase} + ${nodenum} )); if [ "${scpcmd}" = "1" ]; then scp -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" -i ${idfile} -P ${port} ${localfile} ${vmusername}@${remotefile} fi if [ "${sshcmd}" = "1" ]; then ssh -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" -l ${vmusername} -i ${idfile} -p ${port} ${remotecmd} fi if [ "${localcmd}" = "1" ]; then ${hostcmd} fi done