Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Assessment, Marks, Scores and Grades

Can I have an additional assessment item?

No. Each semester, several students ask for an additional assessment item. This most often happens towards the end of the semester (last week of lectures) and is phrased like: "I currently have a low total score - can I have an additional assignment so I can increase my score?". I will not provide an additional assessment item in this case. I believe the assessment items I have assigned you during the semester are sufficient to assess your understanding of the topic. To be fair to all students (and meet practical resource limitations) there are no additional assessment items.

I cannot attend the quiz next week - what should I do?

First (and very important), you should inform me before the quiz that you cannot attend, and give me a reason. You may contact me during the lecture, in my office, by phone or email. If I consider it a valid reason, then most likely I will schedule a special make-up quiz just for you at a different time. If several students cannot attend, then I may change the date of the quiz for the entire class. A valid reason is typically you have a special/official event to attend: funeral, awards ceremony, job interview, medical operation. So long as you inform me before the quiz, I generally do not ask for any evidence.

I missed the quiz last week - what should I do?

If possible, you should have informed me before the quiz. If the reason for missing the quiz was an emergency (medical, car accident), then I will most likely give you a special make-up quiz. Note, I may ask for evidence of the emergency. If you do not have a valid reason, then you will receive a score of 0 for that quiz. Some examples of reasons that I do not consider valid (unless you inform me before the quiz) include: I slept in; there was a traffic jam; I was visiting my family in my home town.

I am on probation and must get grade X - what can I do?

(where X is often a C or C+). Study hard, and follow my guidelines for maximising your score. Perhaps most important is to talk to me early in the semester if you are having trouble with the course.

Unfortunately, many students come to me with this question towards the end of the semester (with only the Final Exam remaining). The only thing I can do at this point is explain selected topics again and advise on how to study for the Final Exam. However this may not help much because your final grade will also depend on the already completed assessment items.

I received a total score of X out of 100 - what is my grade?

I cannot release letter grades. You are informed of your grades via the Registration system (and mail) after the Executive Committee have approved them. However, see What marking scheme do you use? for further information.

What marking scheme do you use?

It varies across courses and years. Although it is not necessarily an accurate indicator for current courses, you may see the results for past courses, including the cutoff scores for each letter grade.

Website and Maillist

What is the URL of the course website?

All my courses can be found via Just follow the links. See also The website is not working - how can I access the course material?.

What is the username/password to access material on this website?

I provided the username/password during the first lecture, as well as in the first set of handouts for the course. If you have lost/forgot the username/password, then contact me.

Can I access material, such as exam answers, from past courses?

Yes. I have archived most material from courses I have taught in the past, including lecture notes, exams, quizzes and answers. You can access these archives from the Resources page for each course, or simply from my list of courses.


You said it is a group assignment: can I work on my own?

No. I may set an assignment to be a group activity for various reasons, e.g. so a task can be achieved within the limited time; to give you experience in working with others; and to reduce the amount of effort I need to mark assignments. With regards to working with others, this is something you will need to do as a computer scientist or IT professional once you graduate. You will need to work with people with different strengths and weaknesses than you, and ideally be able to collaborate to produce a result that is better than the sum of your efforts when working alone. This is hard, and hence in the assignment you will gain some practice. If you worked on your own in the assignment then you would not gain this valuable experience.

You said the assignment group must be X people: can I form a larger/smaller group?

No. See the answer to working on your own for a group assignment. To be fair amongst all groups, they need to be the same size. Of course in some cases there may be people left over, e.g. with even sized groups and an odd number of students in the class there will be one person left over. I will decide how to deal with this

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