Online quizzes and practice questions, as well as other homework activities, will be linked to here as they become available.
Questions from Introduction to Security and concepts from Cryptography topics. This is a practice quiz and is not assessed.
Setup virtnet and try OpenSSL to encrypt data. This item is not accessed, however the next homework, which will be assessed, will make use of virtnet and OpenSSL.
Concepts and principles of cryptography. This is a practice quiz and is not assessed.
Given a password scheme, analyse the number of possible passwords, storage space and brute force time.
Attempt a ping flooding denial of service attack in a virtual network. This item is not assessed.
All questions in this quiz are the same structure: a network diagram is presented, and then you need to either design a firewall rule to implement a policy, or select which rule applies to a specific packet. The network diagram is exactly the same in every question. Therefore read the instructions in the first question carefully, and then the subsequent questions should be faster.
In-class quiz on web security and attacks.