Internet Technologies and Applications (ITS413)



There are no available textbooks that cover all topics in this course. However, one textbook that provides excellent coverage of the networking topics (such as protocols, IP, mobile IP, TCP, security in the Internet) is:

Internetworking with TCP/IP: Principles, Protocols and Architectures (Volume 1), 5th Edition, Douglas E. Comer, Prentice Hall 2006

There are other textbooks that provide some coverage of the topics in this course listed on the Study Guide. These include textbooks by: Stallings, Forouzan, and Kurose.

There are several free online handbooks that cover some of the topics:

Prerequisites and Background Material

The co-requisites for this course are ITS 327 (Computer Network Architectures and Protocols) or ITS 393 (Networking and Collaborative Computing). However, ITS 413 is quite independant, but I do assume you have basic knowledge on data communications (such as from ITS 323 Introduction to Data Communications). Some examples of the assumed knowledge for this course include:

If you cannot remember some of this material, then it is strongly recommended that you revise your knowledge using your lecture notes from ITS 323 and the textbooks listed in the Study Guide.


OPNET IT Guru is network simulation software that will be used during class for demonstrations, as well as by you in the assignment.

Study and Research Resources

For each Topic, a set of links and additional readings are given. In addition, the Study Guide provides general resources on studying and computer networking.

Past Courses

An archive of material from this course held in the past years is available. However before using this material, please be aware that there may be a difference between the course this semester and that in the past years.

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