Online quizzes and practice questions, as well as other homework activities, will be linked to here as they become available.

Quiz 1 - Security Concepts

Concepts of computer and network security; concepts of encryption.

Homework 1 - OpenSSL and Virtnet

Setup virtnet and try OpenSSL demos. This homework is not marked.

Practice - Statistics for Security

Refresh your knowledge of basic mathematics relevant for security (and data communications).

Quiz 2 - Cryptography Concepts

This quiz mainly tests assumptions and principles about cryptography. You should answer questions within the context of the assumptions made and notation used during lecture (which are summarised in this PDF). Be careful with multiple choice questions that allow selecting one or more answers: usually you must select all possible correct answers to get full marks and selecting one incorrect answer will result in 0 marks.

Homework 2 - OpenSSL and Public Key Crypto

Homework 2 - Extra Uploads

Homework 3 - Linux Passwords and Permissions

Quiz 3 - Crypto and Security (In-class)

Questions: a | b | c | d. Answers. See your Grades.

Homework 4 - NTP DDoS Attack

Quiz 4 - Firewalls

All questions in this quiz are the same structure: a network diagram is presented, and then you need to either design a firewall rule to implement a policy, or select which rule applies to a specific packet. The network diagram is exactly the same in every question. Therefore read the instructions in the first question carefully, and then the subsequent questions should be faster.

Homework 5 - Firewalls and iptables

Quiz 5 - Web Security

HTTPS, SSL and Digital Certificates